1. Avocados – Nourishes your skin, inside and out!

2. Mangos – Maintains and repairs skin cells! Have more than 80% of your daily requirements for vitamin A!

3. Almonds – Great for your complexion & give you energy! Also protects against skin damage and premature aging.

4. Cottage Cheese –  carries an essential mineral called Selenium that protects against skin cancer and fights dandruff.

5. Acerola Cherries One of these cherries supplies 100% of your allowance for Vitamin C.

6. Oysters – Aphrodisiac or not, oysters fight pimples and are rich in zinc which help boost your skin’s elastic protein.

7. Baked Potatoes – Eat baked potatoes (WITH THE SKIN) to get 75% of your daily copper need.

8. Mushrooms – Mushrooms repair and improve skin blemishes caused by rosacea.  Try some yummy Garlic-Rosemary mushrooms for starters!

9. Flaxseed Oil – If you aren’t a fish lover, flaxseed oil is for you!  It is one of the best sources of omega three fatty acid’s for your skin.

10. Wheat Germ – Don’t let the “germ” scar you – it’s actually just the embryo withing a grain of wheat, and it’s nutritious.  It’s a great source of the B vitamin, biotin.