Karen Nuccio, fitness and balanced-lifestyle expert, founder and CEO of LITA Group New York
I suggest adding 45-minute walks to your routine three to five times a week. And I mean walk. Like you’re in a hurry. Another component that I think is crucial is learning proper form and alignment for lifting weights or doing squats, so that you don’t tear your muscle. Stand with feet hip or shoulder distance apart, tilt your pelvis forward and make your spine straight. Roll your shoulders back, and pull your belly button to your spine.

Matt McCulloch, master Pilates instructor and cofounder of Kinected Pilates Center, NYC
Women often fall into a common trap of toning only particular areas of their bodies, like their arms, glutes, or abdominals. A body part that often gets missed, however, is the back. Strengthening and toning your back—with Pilates exercises like Breast Stroke and Swimming—will not only enhance the health of your spine but also boost beach confidence by improving your posture.