Currently Shedding
Life has a crazy way of revealing itself to you. I want to share a recent journal entry I wrote that may help you embrace the new version of yourself as you continue on your life journey. “I had a breakdown last night. But what’s beautiful is that it’s leading to a...
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2024: Just Breathe
And 4 Tactics That Help Me Do Just That Every New Year Initially I titled this post, New Year New Mood in an effort to flow into an encouraging new year post. I let this post sit for a few days and something in the air shifted for me when I came back to finish writing...
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Jam Jar: My Favorite Red Wine
This weekend in Atlanta, was the Atlanta Food & Wine Festival. As a first time attendee, I was super excited to be partnering up with my favorite wine brand, Jam Jar. I first discovered Jam Jar, about seven years ago at a restaurant in Atlantic Station in Atlanta, called
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Power & Perspective
When I sat down and really thought about my action word for 2019, I knew I wanted it to be very personal. This year is all about regaining my power and changing my perspective on it all.
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6 Things To Do When You’re In A Creative Rut
When you’re running on E, it may be time to r-evaluate what’s going on in your life. Creative ruts happen to the best of us, so don’t let it get you down. Keep reading for my six tips on how to get out of it!
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10 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mood Right Now
(by contributing writer: Melanie Spencer) No matter how successful you are in terms of finances, career and relationship status, you are still subject to ups and downs in your mood. These changes can be attributed to a number of things including a bad hair day; gloomy...
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5 Things Personal Growth Has Taught Me
There’s a quote about growth that I really love. It says … You are under no obligation to be the same person you were a year, month, or even 15 minutes ago. You have the right to grow. No apologies. I love this quote because there have been too many times in my life where I allowed others to place me in a box that they thought I fit in. The problem with that kind of thinking was that
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McKenzie Renae Featured on The B Werd
I am all for boss a** women who link up and celebrate one another. It’s so important for us to share our stories with eachother. Recently, influencer and content creator, Courtney B. interviewed me for her site TheBWerd.com . We talked about my professional background as a beauty editor, how I became an influencer, and my struggles in the industry as well as what I would have done differently.
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The Purpose of a Vision Board & 6 Ways To Approach Yours
We are almost two weeks into the new year. 2017 marks a fresh start for new beginnings and a chance to make necessary changes with ourselves to be better than we were last year. This is a time where we all need to sit down and really reflect on our dreams, aspirations, goals, and self improvement (physically, mentally, and spiritually). Let’s throw yearly resolutions out the window
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March Mood
It’s the best month of the year, for a number of reasons. My birthday mainly … it’s the 30th and I’ll be twenty fine heyyyy! After visiting “Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks” exhibit at the High Museum in Atlanta, I was inspired to create a mood board for the new season.
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