And 4 Tactics That Help Me Do Just That Every New Year

Initially I titled this post, New Year New Mood in an effort to flow into an encouraging new year post. I let this post sit for a few days and something in the air shifted for me when I came back to finish writing it.
Yes, 2024 is in full effect, we are officially a few days in, and a lot has changed for many of us. I am still very optimistic about this year and feel as though it will be a transformative year for many. I’ll go ahead and claim that for the both of us ok?
Ever since making my mental health a priority, it’s changed my life for the better. If I need to take a break, I do. If I need to get off social and release creativity instead of consuming it, I will. If I need to take time for myself and say no to events, dates, and outings, I’ll do just that. The best part, is learning not to feel guilty about it and doing what is best for me that will also have me operating at optimal performance when it counts. Putting yourself first is not selfish, it’s necessary.
Ok so what does this have to do with the New Year you ask? I’m getting there, stay with me.
I spent much of the holidays relaxing and reflecting on the past year and how I wanted to enter into the new one. Funny enough, setting a long list of new years resolutions never really worked for me. They always ended up more like a Christmas wish list that never quite made it to Santa lol. So the past couple of years, I’ve approached each new year a little differently.
Here are 4 tactics that have actually stuck with me:
1. Picking My Word
You could say this is similar to an affirmation. Last year, my word was “follow through” because I caught myself constantly starting new projects and leaving most of them unfinished. A lot of GREAT ideas unfinished at that. I’m still working on it (because, hey, attention span). This year, my word is “discipline”. I desire to fully become the woman of my own dreams, and to do that I have to have solid discipline in every aspect of my life (health, career, home, God, relationships, etc). I’m participating with Dry January to start and this is because I need to eliminate bad habits in order to be disciplined. While I love a good cocktail, I want to test myself and see how I perform at optimal health starting from the inside. I’d love to hear what your word is in the comments!
2. Re-evaluating Relationships
What/who feeds you and what/who drains you? That’s the question you should ask yourself. I’m sure a few people, activities, and habits may have come to mind instantly. There will be others that you may need to think a little harder about. I just watched a super inspiring IG TV video from Devi Brown here. She talks about outgrowing friendships and relationships and that it doesn’t have to end in anger, but instead can gracefully be let go. Highly recommend taking 7 minutes to watch it.
3. Creating A Vision Board
Vision boards should be fun, not stressful! I hosted a vision board party one year at my house and watched one of my girlfriends paste about 5 images on her board in the span of an hour. My good sis was overthinking everything! Now on the flip side, I’m a Pinterest junkie and naturally love creative projects, so yes creating this board visually came a bit easier to me. BUT, making it meaningful and purposeful was a challenge to pair up with the visual aesthetics. Take a look at past vision boards and take an assessment of the things you brought into fruition. What needs to transfer over to this years board that’s still on your list?
4. Setting Attainable Goals/Tasks
Setting your goals then creating bite size steps to attain them, is key. Once you break down a big ambitious goal to much smaller tasks, it’s easier to follow along with a plan and avoid becoming overwhelmed with a huge goal set in front of you with no idea as to how you’ll achieve it. Make marginal improvements along the way to improve your chances at achieving them. Don’t overthink your goals, just get started. Like my good friend Sakita says, “Done is better than perfect.”
So remember, just breathe and proceed with confidence! Gosh, it feels really good to be blogging again!
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