I have been killing myself holding in this amazing news I’ve been dying to share with you all for weeks! Here it goes…

I have been chosen as one of the 15 finalists for the 2012 Allure Beauty Blogger Awards! Awesome right?! But it doesn’t stop there … I had to do a series of five different beauty challenges that Allure Magazine will be posting to their site every week HERE. The first challenge will be posted on April 23rd (next Monday!) and you can vote for me once, every day until 12pm that Friday when the first challenge is over. The winner is decided with a combination of voting by an Allure panel and public voting…so you can help me win!!

I’ll be sending a friendly reminder so you can do the same thing each week! I would really appreciate your support by going HERE to vote! Did I forget to mention that voters can win dope prizes like a trip to Miami, a Rebecca Minkoff bag, diamond earrings and more?

So … here is what the winner of the contest gets!

-A feature article in the October 2012 issue of Allure Magazine.
-Able to post the “Allure Beauty Blogger of the Year” seal on their site for a year.
-A chance to be able to submit work to be considered for use in Allure and on allure.com.
-A trip to New York City to go backstage at a fashion show.
-Attend the “Allure Best of Beauty” party and receive a suitcase full of the winning products.
-Have a behind-the-scenes tour of the Revlon headquarters. 


For now you can click and check out my blogger profile and mini interview on their site!



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