I’m notorious for signing up for emails, subscriptions, and coupons and rarely using them. Smh. Can anyone else relate? lol

Anyway, there’s an online site called ShoeMint. It’s been featured in InStyle, ELLE, WWD, StyleWatch, US, and Life&Style. Actress Rachel Bilson and Nicole Chavez are the designers of the shoes featured on ShoeMint and they are super cute! 

Like other websites, you create your online style profile, Rachel & Nicole select shoes for you each month according to your profile, then you can shop through the site and order whatever your little heart desires 🙂  (yes, I’ve signed up & created a profile yet again lol)

I love a lot of the shoes and would love to purchase a pair, but personally I would feel better if I heard a review from someone first who’s ordered from them before. So tell me ladies, have you purchased a pair of shoes from ShoeMint? How was the quality? Did you love them?



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