
I’m not mad at Angela Simmons hustle and grind not one little bit! Recently, Simmons released a little sneak peek into her new clothing line appropriately named “Angela by Angela Simmons”. What better way to continue branding yourself than through your own name?

From the looks of the video, her line looks pretty casual continuing the trend of chic athletic attire, sweats, and strategic little bows to add some femininity. She expressed on her website,

“I’m so excited to share the first video for my Angela by Angela Simmons collection. I’ve always wanted to create a fashion line and it’s finally happening. I hope you guys like it. Stay tuned for more coming soon! XO, Angela.”

I love a chill chic piece and I would definitely wear some of the items from her line, but I feel like I’ve seen this “look” done too many times. Maybe Angela is holding out on some surprise pieces that will set her apart from the rest of the flock. 

Until then, check out the video and let me know what you think. Are you feeling Angela by Angela Simmons?



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