NARS To Open Third Boutique In San Francisco

NARS Cosmetics just checked off another piece of territory on the map! Their very first flagship store opened up in West Village in New York, next up was a sleek boutique in Los Angeles, now it’s on to the trendy west coast of San Francisco, California! Opening...

Follow the official Instagram (@RenaeCutOffs) page for Renae Cut Offs to stay up to date with new product launches, customer outfit photos, and more! 

HI! I was wondering how do you do your nails so perfectly? is there a tutorial for that? because whenever I do my nails one hand is the bomb and the other looks like crap lol! Please help and tell me what you use :-)

Hi! I thank my mom for that because she always did her nails at home, so I learned from her. It’s taken years of practice but I’ve pretty much mastered a nice polish change by now. Here is a cool guide you can follow when doing your own. Take your time and...

– hello ! my name is angelica && i am new to your blog ! you are d o p e ma'm ((: anywho .. i just recently did the big chop && am completely natural but i keep it done (flat ironed && styled) professionally .. how do you maintain your style at night ? do you recommend wrapping the hair ? wearing a bonnet as is ?

Hi Angelica 🙂 When i wear my hair straight I tie it down at night with a silk scarf and put on bonnet on top of that. My hair is too layered to wrap around, so I just brush the front over to the side and tie the scarf on. Sometimes if I’m lazy I just make sure...

Threads of the Day: Winter White

Ok I am itching for Spring to get here already! So to push things along a bit, I decided to break out my white jeans in honor of a “winter white” ensemble to wear to a chic hookah lounge with some girlfriends over the weekend. Clearly I don’t pay any...



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