Threads of the Night: Sporty Chic

Let me apologize in advance for the photo quality. My camera was not working last night so I had to resort to cell phone pics and Instagram to give me a hand.  The weather was really nice yesterday and not too chilly last night, so I decided to step out for a minute....

I found this really great and easy-to-understand picture tutorial, over at the Beauty Department, on the proper way to apply your eye cream.  Sometimes we tend to over apply our magic potions of youth thinking it may work better, when we’re really just wasting...

hi m, i love your blog & am hoping that you can help me with a makeup dilemma. i have crazy oily lids. i've tried mac, urban decay & nars lid primers, but i still crease. some sooner than others, but creasing nonetheless. what's the best? what can get me upwards of 9+ hours of clean shadow wear? thanks so much!!

Hiiii! Hmmm I can relate, I have oily lids too. What kind of eyeshadow are you using? U may want to stay away from cream eyeshadows in the future. Since you’ve tried a bunch of primers, I suggest also setting your lids with a light brush of powder before the...



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