feel awake. My mind is more open that it has ever been before. I finally have some clarity. Clarity that has me craving knowledge, culture, understanding, and questioning things I’ve believed and believed in for years because of my surrounding influences blocking the birth of my own thought consciousness.


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For a long time, I made things really hard on myself. From writing to relationships, the stubborn Aries side of me just forced a lot of things that weren’t meant to be. But I’ve come face to face with my demons … impatience, laziness, and the desire to chase perfection just to name a few. Imperfect is way more interesting than perfect, but I had to remind myself of that despite the “perfection” that we’re deceived into believing online. I’m ready to confront and tackle my imperfections head on, because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Ya feel me?


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With my birthday coming up next month (March 30th aye!), I feel as though I’m growing into a more authentic version of myself. I’m discovering my queendom and there’s no turning back. I’ve begun to embrace the less flattering aspects of my personality and instead think of them as beautifully flawed traits that make me unique and simply aren’t meant for everyone to appreciate. And I’m OK with that. My insecurities are melting away and I have this overwhelming desire to become more intuitive, powerful, and graceful in my own right, at my own pace.

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I’ve grown up, and a lot of you (my readers) have grown up with me. Pat yourself on the back for a minute, because you’re a force to be reckoned with!

Bey should have you reciting, “I go hard, take what’s mine, I’m a star. Cause I slay, all day. I just might be the black Bill Gates in the making.” #BlackGirlMagic


I’m loving myself just as I am, knowing that while I may be a work in progress, I can be a masterpiece simultaneously. At some point, we all have to learn to embrace the good and bad about ourselves so that we don’t stunt amazing opportunities for growth! I’ve learned that “the bounceback” is a decision. You can sit there and do nothing, or worse, do the same thing and expect different results (which would technically make you insane). OR you can stare life right back in the face and give it the big emoji middle finger. Because you won’t hold yourself back anymore, right?

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Cheers to finding your Queendom and unlocking your true self … in your own time, at your own pace.


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I love you guys xoxo. I got hot sauce in my bag. Swag. #selflove



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