Did you hear the news? H&M is partnering up for another stellar collaboration with sexy designer Alexander Wang! Wang is one of my favorite designers. I appreciate the sexy and chic take on his designs while still creating pieces that really flatter a woman’s figure. Not to mention his shoes and bags! To die for.

Wang, also creative director for Balenciaga, unveiled the new relationship, which will include a collection of men’s and women’s clothing, as well as his famed accessories. Wang announced,

“I am honored to be a part of H&M’s designer collaborations. The work with their team is an exciting, fun process. They are very open to pushing boundaries and to set a platform for creativity. This will be a great way for a wider audience to experience elements of the Alexander Wang brand and lifestyle.”

If you check out Wangs official Instagram page , you’ll find a video posted featuring a basketball scoreboard which shows a digital countdown to the “Wang X HM” launch.

I am so excited! I can’t wait to see the collection. I’m really anticipating how amazing the shoes and accessories will be. Not to mention, I hope he includes some great quality basic tees and tanks. I live in basics! The is a collaboration that FOR SURE peaks my interest.

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The collection will be unveiled on November 6th. Who’s for it?







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