Hey girl! You don’t have to chop it all off! I think a lot of girls think that’s the only option, and it’s really a personal decision.

I cut mine all off because A.) I wanted a new hair style. and B.) I wanted to go natural and didn’t have the patience to grow my relaxer out. My hair was shoulder length at the time I and didn’t want to go through the transition phase.

For you, since you don’t want to chop it all off, you’re going to have to just grow your relaxer out and get trims to trim away your relaxer a little at a time until it’s all cut off. If your hair is as short as mine, then it shouldn’t take you as long to gradually grow it out and snip off the relaxed ends 🙂 Another option is to get a sew-in and let your hair grow out for a couple of months, then get a nice trim when you take it out. A key piece of advice … be patient! lol Good luck 🙂



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