Thanks 🙂 When I decided to go natural, I did the Big Chop. At the time my hair was cut into a bob and I wanted a new hair style anyway AND wanted to go natural, so I just decided to cut it all off into a pixie cut. For me personally, I didn’t have the patience to go through the growing out and transitioning phase, so cutting it was my best option. It was during the summer time as well and I wanted to figure out how to wear it curly while it was still hot outside. I think you should really think about it before you decide to go for the big chop! Make sure you take your stylist a picture of how you want it cut, so it’s in an actual style and you can have 2 versatile looks 🙂 It’s up to you girly, if you want to grow out your hair, then go for the long term transition!



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