
It all started when I saw these SICK black textured sandals in a winter issue of Marie Claire Magazine last year. I had to have them! The price tag was $49.95 (score!) and were listed as heels from Shoedazzle.

Back in January, I conducted a mini experiment via Twitter, asking my followers if they had ever purchased any shoes from Shoedazzle. I saw the commercials on TV, I noticed the ads in magazines, but I never heard any conversation from friends about their latest score from the shoe destination.

So I posed the following question, “Any of my followers ever ordered shoes from Shoe Dazzle?” And below were some of the responses (mostly consisting of no’s due to the quality of the shoes).


When I tell you these sandals were a deal steal, I mean it. So I had to find out for myself.



I wish I could remember the name of these lil bad boys, but I do remember that when I signed up for my first Shoedazzle purchase, I received a $10 credit. Making my total a sweet $39.95! Thank you Shoedazzle!


What I love most about these heels is the texture of the leather. It’s similar to croc skin…but faux lol. The laces criss cross and tie up to the ankle, with a mean five inch heel that makes your legs look so sexy!

My Review:

On Style: I love how “expensive” these heels look. The faux leather croc material and zig zag side pattern make these show stoppers even more interesting. I’m always looking for the smallest details that can make something special and again, look more expensive than it really is. That’s a steal in my eyes.

On Quality: Aside from the laces which could be a little better quality, I was pleased with the make of this shoe. The laces are a minor detail that can always be switched out if I wanted to … can you imagine how fierce these would look with a gold chain as laces?

On Comfort: As I mentioned before, these sandals are a mean five inches high and barely have any platform. So no hurrying or rushing for me. Someone is just going to have to leave me behind lol. Are they the most comfortable heels to walk in? No. Are they unbearable? No. These are the kind of heels that you wear to look cute in when you’re sitting down, or only walking short distances. If you catch my drift.

On Price: Cha-ching! For $39.95 … it was money well spent.

I can’t speak on other shoes or items from Shoedazzle, but my first experience has been pretty pleasant. I’ll be back to try something else in the future! Starting with these! lol


Have you shopped with Shoedazzle? What was your experience like?




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