
Recently, I was invited to a movie screening of the new film, About Time. A film from Richard Curtis, the creator of Love Actually, Notting Hill, and Four Weddings and a Funeral. 

About Time tells the story of a young man whose gift allows him to go back and relive any moment of his life. But instead of making every moment perfect, he learns that life and love are most extraordinary when you embrace all of their imperfections. 

I enjoyed the film for a number of reasons, the most notable of them being that I was served a gentle reminder to stop sweating the small stuff and actually live life and enjoy its present moments. 


I remember being so excited for my 25th birthday this year! I wanted it to be the most unforgettable, fun filled week and weekend spent with my closest friends celebrating this milestone year of my life. Let’s just say, my birthday extravaganza didn’t go as planned. The original venue fell through at the last minute, some close friends couldn’t make it, and I couldn’t piece my birthday outfit together to save my life. 

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Although my birthday extravaganza didn’t go as planned, my friends really showed their true colors in a strong effort to make my birthday as amazing as it could be. I realized how much I cherish my family and friends who were able to make a rabbit appear out of a hat despite the constant disappointment of events. Eventually, I decided to go with the flow, stop worrying about everything that was going wrong, stop sweating the small stuff, and let go and actually enjoy the moment! Just like Tim said,

“Try to live every day and enjoy it as if it were the full final day of your extraordinary life. Do your best to relish this remarkable life.”

In the movie, Tim’s father proposed two choices to Tim as his rules of happiness:

1. You can live life every day like you usually would. OR…

2. You can life live and actually notice everything around you. 

This is what makes life so beautiful, and I think often times we can forget that by living in such a fast paced world. We are never promised the future of tomorrow, so why not just live life and actually notice what’s going on around you in the present moment? Stop trying to change or live in the past, and instead, embrace the present.

Check out the trailer of About Time below, starring Rachel McAdams (Mary), Domhnall Gleeson (Tim), and Bill Nighy (Tim’s father).

About Time is a comedy about love and time travel, which discovers that, in the end, making the most of life may not need time travel at all. I highly recommend you go see this movie with your loved ones. You can’t help but gain a better perspective on life!

About Time will hit theaters November 8, 2013! For more details about the film, click here.

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Universal Pictures through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated to write a post about About Time, all opinions are my own.



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