Go head Solange! Ms. Knowles recent modeling work graces the pages of Glamour France Magazine. In the July 2012 issue, Solange rocks her signature afro, mixture of prints and colors, all while maintaining her classic ladylike persona. 

But here’s the twist … 

Spotted over at Necole Bitchie, Solange expressed the following via her Twitter, after frustrations with fans negatively commenting on how she styles her hair:

Im only going to say a few things. I cut my hair ALL off 4 times in my life all for very different reasons….I only reiterate this because this is nothing new for me. This 4th time did not define me, just as it had not the previous 3 times. I’ve never painted myself as a team natural vice president. I don’t know the lingo and I don’t sleep with a satin cap…However, I did noticed when I picked out my hair, I kept seeing feedback about needing a “twist out”. Connnnfesssioonnn: I HATE twist outs. Correction, I hate the way they look on me. SO i end up always picking them/steaming them out. Look, all i’m saying is. My hair is not very important to me….so i don’t encourage it to be important to you. Im very emotional today (involving something else) , so i’m letting the momentum of that help me to express the fact that…I dont want to talk about no damn hair…..no mo.

I find it very interesting that Solange addressed this issure about her natural hair … and you know what, I kind of feel her. 

Your hair does not and should not define you. It can add to your spunk and personality, but at the end of the day you can do whatever you want with your hair … whether that means wear a braid out, twist out, comb out, or freshly steamed from the shower, a la Solange.

Why do you really care about what the next girl is doing with her hair? Let her live!

Anyway, check out the rest of her spread below …. Solange is fierce hunty!

What’s your opinion? Do people chime in too much when it comes to how natural girls should wear and style their hair? 



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