Threads of the Day: Plain Jane

Some of my best dressed days are the days where I just “throw something on”. Those days are when I feel most comfortable, confident, and just … myself. Today was one of those days. There’s power in style. Look past the brand, how much it cost, where you got it from …...

Threads of the Day: Keep It Chic

“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” – Coco Chanel I love high end labels … I mean really what girl doesn’t? But realistically my closet is more than a few pieces short of being lined with names like Philip Lim, Givenchy, and Balenciaga. ::le sigh:: So,...

Fresh Look Celebrity Spotlight: Miley Cyrus

I love a good celebrity transformation!! And Miley Cyrus is giving me SO MUCH LIFE!!! She’s quickly on the rise to becoming one of my favorite style icons. I just love how raw and edgy she is … a very “I don’t give a f*@$” kind of attitude. First and foremost, I think...