Trust Yourself. Think for Yourself. Act for Yourself. Speak for Yourself. Be Yourself. Imitation is suicide.

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Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

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A Few Quotes That Keep Me Going…

Sometimes you just need to sit back and reflect on everything you’ve been blessed with (start simple…you’re alive, you’re healthy, you have a job and people who love you). It’s funny because if you allow it, your blessing can turn into...

This is the truth…no one said your journey would be easy, and no one will believe in what you stand for as much as you do.

“Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. Means it’s time for a promotion” ~The Devil Wears Prada