We are almost two weeks into the new year. 2017 marks a fresh start for new beginnings and a chance to make necessary changes with ourselves to be better than we were last year. This is a time where we all need to sit down and really reflect on our dreams, aspirations, goals, and self improvement (physically, mentally, and spiritually).
Let’s throw yearly resolutions out the window for a second. I realized my resolutions were starting to become this long list of unrealistic goals and expectations of myself (like waking up at 6am to work out six days a week or to stop eating meat – No steak? Yea right). Well, these things were setting me up for failure and disappointment, so I had to put an end to it and try a different goal setting method that I could actually maintain.
I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of talk about vision boards. A vision board is your personal inspirational guide if you will. The beauty of a vision board is that… it’s YOUR vision, so you can create it however you like. The goal is to only include images, words, and phrases that you want to speak into your life for the new year. It’s all up to you baby girl.
Last year I made two vision boards. One for my career and personal life, and the other for my future living space. I believe it’s important to have a balance of what you do and how you live. The two coincide. I desired to see my life in front of me and was committed to doing everything that I could to help manifest those things into reality.

(These are my vision boards from 2016. (L) my interior dreams & inspirations & (R) my career and personal life)
If you need a little guidance on how to create a vision board and how to discover the purpose and role it will play in your life in the upcoming months, here is my personal guideline:
- Create realistic intentions on your board. Start by making a list on a piece of paper, of some things you want to accomplish this year. You can even categorize by career, spiritual, travel, dreams, education, etc. While searching for what to place on your board, only include images, letters, and words that speak to you and have meaning. Don’t take this lightly. It’s important to be specific with what you desire.
- Where focus goes, energy flows. It’s important to take your board serious, because the purpose is to look at it daily. And when you focus on something daily, those things seep into the mind and start to become your reality. Both positive and negative. Focus on positivity and things that inspire you to be better and do more. Allow your energy to flow in the right directions to keep you on the right path.
- Feeling a little intimidated? Share this experience with friends! Invite them over for a vision board party and have them bring some of their favorite magazines to work with. Talk about your boards and what they mean to you and maybe share a couple of your own personal goals. There’s power in a great network of friends and you should all be endlessly inspiring one another to be better and strive for greatness. Not into the group thing? There’s nothing wrong with tackling your board solo dolo to give you time to reflect and focus with no distractions.
- Get creative! The whole point is to have fun and not let this thing stress you out. I prefer using black poster board because it really makes my images pop. This year I added some gold foil to conceal any blank areas and to give it a little flair. Make it all even and organized or mix everything into a collage. It’s completely up to you.
- Set the mood. The whole point is to bring these intentions into reality. Play some of your favorite music that helps you zone out, light a really great smelling candle to bring your senses to life. Pour a glass of wine or lemon & mint water to keep you refreshed. Whatever helps you get into your element … do that.
- Visualize it all. After you’re done with your board, frame it and hang it in a space where you can look at it every day. Hang it in your office, your bedroom, that personal little corner of your home or closet where you pray and reflect. This will keep you on track and serve as a daily reminder to what’s really important to you.