I’ve been asked a thousand and three times about my natural hair journey and what transitioning method I chose. I don’t mind talking about it at all … in fact, I enjoy inspiring others to go natural as well as listening to why they chose to go natural.

I’ve been natural since roughly June 2010 (I wish I kept track of the exact date, but oh well). My hair stylist Stephanie was actually the person who convinced me to end my routine relaxers and grow my natural hair out. I had a bob at the time, and being the impatient gal that I am lol I made the decision to get a weave to help the transition process go a little smoother. After I took my weave out the first week of January 2011, I had sooo much new growth, and came prepared to the salon with a picture of how I wanted my new hair style to look.

Instead of keeping my length, I decided to go for the “Big Chop” and rock a fresh pixie cut that had about an inch of relaxer on the tips of my hair. Other than that … I was officially natural!

What I love most about my natural cut, is that it’s versatile to wear both curly and straight. Stephanie and I agreed that I should be able to wear my hair both ways so I wouldn’t get bored with one look. To this day, I’ve had black, blonde, and now a multi-toned look of reds, browns, and blonde color in my hair & I’ve LOVED every look 🙂

My hair is healthier, it’s able to hold color, and I absolutely love the versatility. I’ve been told when I wear it curly, I look more fun & free (and also like Kelis) lol, and that when it’s straight, I look more sophisticated and “business like” lol. Hey, I’ll take both 😉

Here are 2 pictures of me, one with my hair curly & one with it straight ♥ ♥ ♥

Are you deciding whether or not to go natural? Are you in the transitioning phase? Let’s talk, this is the time for questions & comments 🙂 



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