I always approach style as being effortless. You shouldn’t have to think too hard or try too hard, it should come naturally to you. It starts with knowing yourself and staying true to yourself, no matter what that truth is. One of my favorite quotes is,

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” -Gore Vidal

There’s no problem with dressing how you feel that specific day and not being attached to a “style”. Style is whatever you want it to be. More ladies should understand that you don’t have to reveal it all to be sexy or noticed.

Thread List:

Black Mob tee- thrifted
Leather teardrop skirt: Nastygal
Silk shirt: Karen B (from Macy’s)
Boots: Steve Madden (worn in just how I like them)
Shades: Dior
Bag: Boutique in Austin
Accessories: Mostly from Forever21 

You should be comfortable shopping wherever. If your thing is designer threads, then go for it. It it’s from Forever21, go for it. It’s all about how you piece your outfit together … which should be effortlessly.

The key is to mix and match high and low end gear. Feel comfortable in what you are wearing that day, and OWN IT! Because if you’re uncomfortable or fidgety in your outfit, it’s noticeable.

Follow me on Instagram for style inspiration, or whatever else you want to follow me for 😉





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