ive years ago, when I first started blogging, I loved talking about any and all things, makeup! I was the ultimate girlie girl, and off a high from a successful college business venture as a makeup artist … my new hustle appropriately named, “Mak Does My Makeup”. It was truly so much fun! I didn’t even realize that at the age of 20 I had already began to brand myself.


My enthusiasm and momentum was in full throttle after graduating from Hampton University and moving to Hotlanta! The makeup business was still in full swing and I was having more fun than ever writing on my new Tumblr blog. FYI, I probably went through at least ten different blog name ideas like, “Brown Girl In The City” and “Pouty Face Confessions” (terrible, I know lol), before deciding to simply stick with my real name, McKenzie Renae.


I didn’t take my blog so serious in the beginning, because it was merely a hobby that I enjoyed doing in my spare time. A hobby that unexpectedly caught the attention of Seventeen and Allure Magazine. My little Tumblr page, taking off before my very eyes, all because of something that I was passionate about. I earned my first opportunity as a Beauty Editor at Rolling Out Magazine here in Atlanta and was officially an authoritative voice in the beauty industry. I couldn’t get enough of it!


Now, fast forward four years later. After I started taking my brand serious, I had this sudden yearning to shake things up in my life. I was no longer satisfied with solely discussing topics of how to improve your looks, because deep down I knew and felt that I had more to offer this world than vanity.


I’ve now realized that beauty was my gateway into where I’m at in my life right now. I’ve grown not only in my field, but as a woman in general. I’ve grown into a woman with purpose. A woman who knows more and more, of what she wants, what she will and will not tolerate, and best of all…her worth.


My story has lead me into this transitionary point in my life. One of my favorite mottos is “everything happens for a reason”. This beauty blog happened for a reason, the desire to enter into the makeup artistry field happened for a reason. My struggles, defeats, depression, and wins have all happened for a reason! To build, shape, and mold me into the woman I am today. I’ve finally learned to be confident in the gifts that God has given to me, and to use them so that I may be a blessing to others.


You may be in a transition phase in your life right now while God is working to manifest your dreams, and I’m here to tell you that that is OK! Embrace it and most importantly, learn from it. He knows what He’s doing, and I should have been patient and listened a long time ago. I’m nowhere close to perfect and I don’t have everything 100% figured out. But who does?  Just keep in mind that you may miss your season of promise by living in a season that has passed. Let your transition happen!


P.S. – If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been experimenting with a few different topics here on McKenzie Renae. If you’re into it, I would love it you could leave a brief comment letting me know or if there’s something in particular that you would like for me to discuss. If my transparency is helping even one person out there  gather the guts to move towards their dreams, then this post was worth it!


Love you guys,







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