5 Things Beyonce's New Bob Taught Me

It was like a scene of the cut heard around the world yesterday, as social media networks everywhere went bananas after the debut of Beyonce’s new do.  King Bey, Baddie Bey, Queen Beyonce … her fans or stans if I may, go crazy over virtually anything...

Review: Nad's Bikini & Underarm Wax Strips

This is bound to be one of those “TMI” posts, so let’s get cozy together shall we? Summertime equals poolside weekends and swimsuit destinations, making proper body grooming of the utmost importance!  I was really excited to receive the Nad’s...

The Virgin Hair Fantasy Luncheon

Wednesday, I was invited to an intimate meet and greet and luncheon for a new virgin hair extensions line called, The Virgin Hair Fantasy.  I wear a sew-in maybe one or two times a year, usually in the winter, just to give my hair a break and for a little versatility....



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