Discovering Your Queendom
I feel awake. My mind is more open that it has ever been before. I finally have some clarity. Clarity that has me craving knowledge, culture, understanding, and questioning things I’ve believed and believed in for years because of my surrounding influences blocking the birth of my own thought consciousness.
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Five years ago, when I first started blogging, I loved talking about any and all things, makeup! I was the ultimate girlie girl, and off a high from a successful college business venture as a makeup artist … my new hustle appropriately named, “Mak Does My Makeup”. It was truly so much fun! I didn’t even realize that at the age of 20
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At times I am left speechless at the talent others posses. And the fact that there are people who see me as an inspiration and express it creatively continues to blow my mind. A few weeks ago, I was tagged in a photo on Instagram. To my surprise,
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Letter From The Editor: Feed Your Soul
When was the last time you took a day or weekend to yourself? We all need to take time to reflect, relax, and reinvest in our personal health and well being, reconnecting with our minds, body, and soul. This past weekend I took time off to myself. I wasn’t necessarily focused on checking off tasks on my to-do list or catching up on business or emails. I sat around and did nothing, I thought and
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Letter From the Editor: Challenge Yourself
I just joined a gym. Let me tell you, this is quite a big step for me, because I’ve never been the one to commit to a gym membership. A couple of summers ago I did a little stint over at a local gym near my apartment for $20 a month. But that’s exactly what I got, a $20 a month workout, and I cant quite say I took advantage of it anyway. This time around,
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Letter From the Editor: No Distractions
It’s March! My favorite month, because guess what happens on the 30th? My day of birth, yay! Right now, I’m working on the re-launch of my brand Renae Cut Offs. Renae Cut Offs is my customized denim line for women. An extension of my own personal style, translated into the perfect, effortless, casual wear for women who have their own individual style and love to rock one of a kind threads. I’ll keep you updated on the re-launch date, but just expect
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Be Better
Last year I pretty much skated by. I fell into a pretty dark depression and just had very little motivation to continue running my business , Renae Cut Offs, my blog, my Instagram, everything. I just didn’t care. I lost my own inspiration and forgot why I was even doing this in the first place. That “delete account” urge on Instagram was so real (and would have been a huge mistake). I just wanted to disappear, escape, and fall off the map for real.
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Something Personal…
This is a throwback post of something I wrote and posted on my Tumblr page a couple of years ago. I felt the need to re-repost and share again because I’ve been making a lot of personal changes in my life to build a stronger relationship with God. My spiritual life is important to me because I know what’s its like to live in the dark and I never want to be there again. I love the way I feel when I’m closer to God. Sometimes you have to stop and think about…
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Letter From The Editor: Chill Out
**Jewels: KATERINA PSOMA Multi-Media Necklace, $330, Luisaviaroma.com ; Annoushka Drusy Ring, 3,300 euros, Harrods.com**
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Are We Friends?
Hey lovelies! I just want to make sure we’re friends! Be sure to follow McKenzie Renae everywhere hehe. Update your links and stay connected with me! xoxo
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