Creating A Signature Look: Part 1

Creating A Signature Look: Part 1

Babes I’ve heard you loud and clear! You want more style content. I got you. Before I dive too deep into wardrobe woes, I wanted to touch on a more simple viewpoint, your signature look. Do you have one? If not, I’m here to help guide you in the right...
Power & Perspective

Power & Perspective

When I sat down and really thought about my action word for 2019, I knew I wanted it to be very personal. Years prior, I picked words that were a bit on the common end and because of that, I wasn’t very consistent with that action throughout the year. My word...
Threads of the Day: Renae Cut Offs x COLOUR Braids

Threads of the Day: Renae Cut Offs x COLOUR Braids

Threw on some classic Renae Cut Offs and my new favorite Puma by Rihanna creepers over the weekend to grab some lunch with a friend. We decided to stop by the local library for a little impromptu shoot. Don’t you love being able to create with people who share...
4 Ways To Style Socks With Heels

4 Ways To Style Socks With Heels

  S ocks with heels are having a moment. I’m not talking the stark white ruffly kind that your Mom used to dress you in for Sunday school or Easter photos either. I’m talking edgy, mesh, delicate, yet full of contrast kind of socks. The kind of socks...
Bomber Season

Bomber Season

It finally feels like Fall (insert emoji praise hands). The bomber trend hasn’t slowed down since last season, and it’s sticking around for a second debut. But this year, the focus is all in the details.       Some style tips to consider:...
Art & Things

Art & Things

Art is food for my soul.  I get this inspirational high every time I visit an exhibit or cool museum. Next on my bucket list is to conquer the plethora of museums in New York. Hopefully I’ll have some free time this summer to make a weekend trip there for that...



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